The P Cube Academy - Introduction

Hey everyone, Welcome to the P Cube academy – The Cube which brings the right information and relevant inspiration from every side around the globe by getting wind of the generous people, going right through the mumble of Politics, by being understood of distinguishing Philosophy. Our Goal is to get you the language of understanding for things you carry with, the knowledge you get through by your wings and the vast world in which you live.

Let's start with the language of Understanding.

Most of us have heard the term called Philosophy - The word seems like more subjective makes your eyes wide or spread other side. But philosophy is more than a topic or any branch of ideological science. It is the language of understanding known by people lesser or more. Where people are kidnapped by the social rules, where justice everyday tries to heal every broken roots for the stability of humankind by bringing them together.

Outline followed outline, story followed story, science, art, religion and law. Nowadays are so unprecedented for the people by the people. Precisely the first highly advanced human generation is spreading its roots down as much as deep as its growing up; causing much tension on the thread of human arc. 

History trapped itself in its magic by creating unconditional events and anonymously condition governed by beings; surrounds it.

As Stephen Hawking Said in his Book '' THE GRAND DESIGN ''
'' How can we understand the world in which we find ourselves.''

People lives in the vast world world with theirs endowed society. If you goes in the critics of thinking as much as deep you'll find the number of traps and traps; but still happily sounds like an everyone fascinating each other in the world where they governed by emotions, desire and knowledge. 

Those who governed could not understand those who thought,
those who wanted to know could not understand those who knew. 

Many are running away from all these battlefront truth. The more we are getting the more the gap between life and knowledge grew wider and wider. Some people are falling into it. Somes are awaking by it but the most of them still seems unknown after this. 

Because Toxic efforts are being recessive and sweet comfort zone are dominating the world as well as the people.

It has been happening from a long long while since the birth of life. The connection between nature and nurture going to out of range. The love we had, The relations we built together are going to broke down. Little little pieces are falling everywhere thrown by people somewhere. There is violence in the peace. 

People lives outside of theirs body trapped by inner self  like prisoners are losing the hope of freedom but die with the cheering joy by remembering...satisfying the story of those freemen [ like them still exists somewhere ] in theirs surrounding [ outside of theirs inner mysterious immaterial prison ] who were fully trained but failed to pay attention and lost between the four walls of human brain. Who were not basically lost but eventually died without the peace of inner soul. 

They takes place in a people's story who tells their children or we can say to scare them to not being stupid like them. But need to be the beast who successfully achieved what they acquired and share theirs work of ability what people required. Who get a fame in fact only they sets their name in a history more than a story. Who will be remembered forever till to the end of all next generations others will not be even described a Little somewhere and being forgotten forever. this ugly phenomena which have came here to take a stable stand is not relevant not just based on the current affairs but it's consistently running since from our all ancestry. 

Eventually positively who work hard will get a sweet fruits and berries and those who don't will buried. Negatively they will be not in care either. Seems like unjust. 

Is this happening with you? You have listened many stories of people with unfinished work who used to live around you? Why this all happen to most of people ? 

We are seeing here the morality is gonna die. The sense of comfortation and, and an adaptation to keep away our self from the uncomfort zone being the reason of invisible disappointment which rise a habit to not take a risk and stay on that zone where nothing can grow. In fact human mind is not created for that way where it get hurt. You will always see that pleasure wins over pain. But it also eventually proves that it's a responsible for why we never got a gain, too. Because we never paid a pain. We never had a plan, too. 

The work is not going to done itself. The book is not going to write itself. You've to do it. You've to schedule it. If you don't. If you're not going to stand up. Someone else will. If you have a dreams but failed to give actions to  create it into reality then someone else will used you as a equipment to build theirs own. You will be used as a bricks of their empire. Think about how it gonna feel like. People will see you're working for someone because you never get work done on your own one. You can't just assume somehow you'll be better.

'' 99% people failed on their dream and die poorly without win just by sharing many physical smiles. They assume just assume somehow they'll be better. Very sad folks very sad...!!... 

People are distracting from each other, attracting by a material. The questions on the god falling like a heavy rain more than the curiosity of science for the better settlement of human race.

We prologue when we retire after us better players will come. But why we should wait ? wake up today forget the last day, if there is no smile on your bed when you wake up in the morning admit it you've done nothing good yesterday. There are people who worked hard when you were in sleep. Still it's not out of zone. Just catch it. Just own it. Your dream is just yours. Go for it, Work on it. If you done it you will be the boss, If you lose or tired or give up someone else will be the boss and you will work under them as a poor employee. Wake up fellas wake up. It's show time. It's your time. 

Life is more than getting and giving shits. rather than just shared happiness pay your sweat to your work and get a precious worth from your work.

We're enough lucky We've got a human birth, Let's make it worth.

Thank you for your Time and Patience


  1. very nice blog for life buddy
    Most of the people do not find what they want in life and without finding it with patience they went on miss-track and their desire would be a dream.

    1. Thanks for your adorable endorsement. I agree on your point of view, it's all about personal ambition and purpose of life on which our all life years winds up with the lots of hopes and dreams. If you wanna live freely leave it in form of actions and you will see the beauty of success which is far more exciting than the imagination of night dream. Best Regards. Stay Inspired. Keep in Touch. Thanks Again.


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