LIFE - #5 Justice: Don't Regret! Just Feel Guilty.

Yesterday, I was watching Tom Bilyeu - Impact theory's Episode with Jim Kwik where he proposed one erotic conversation he had with Quincy jones 
( famously known as a ''Q'' as well ) where Kwik asked him, '' How do you overcome challenges and the problems, you had and have after all this legacy?'' Q generously replied, ''I don't have any problems almost I never had any, too, I always had puzzles instead.'' It was one of the very damn replied I have ever heard from any individual. I always had thoughts around this epic sentence the one we just went through. I've seen lots of very kind of different movies in genre Romantic, Inspirational, Drama-Play, Biography ( Like Jorden Belfort from The Wolf of Wall Street, Andy duffrene from The Shawshank Redemption, Will smith from Seven Pounds ). Those movies like have one secret message hidden inside very less people caught it.

In the Line of our life, We have enjoyed many joyful moments with friends, family, specially in relationship. But as we know each and everyone of us sometimes pass through very bad breakthrough which may changed the lane of your whole life or possibly could turn on the different possibilities to get a better way of well being. Less or more people got long term influence by it. Later, such type of those mistake stops us emotionally on doing work and normally on living, too.

'' Our fingerprints do not fade from the lives we touch.''

I have putted title of the relation of regret and guiltiness. I think differently whenever I see these two term which phenotypically looking same. Regret is so called like something you've done, you wish that you had not done it. Where Guilt is same phrase just in little bit less contrast, '' It's an unhappy feeling that you have because you have done something wrong or so more think like that.''

Precisely Guilt is the fact that you have done something wrong or illegal. Now we have come in to the context of law form that '' Feeling Guilty '' is a small box of regret you may have heard many times in the Crime genre movies or directly in the court if you've ever being part of any crime. Feeling Guilt and having regret are the totally different phrase if we consider those terms relatively in different conditions. Most of people do mistakes in their life, sometimes they do regret, sometimes they feels guilt.

As Psychology defines hormone concentration and chemical configuration of mind in such type situation. We can define and differ out them both to get a solution or get a rid off it, Eventually. We must understand this philosophical metaphor of it to help our eternal society more deeply, people, to dig out them from this infinite psychological well.

The best example you may have seen in the movie named '' SEVEN POUNDS '' Of Will smith. Where he un-awarely, accidently killed seven people including his wife in road accident. In great unidirectional flow of movie shows that he dedicates his whole life to help any unknown, strange seven individual to make theirs life better. Eventually he donates his heart to one strange girl, his eyes to one blind musician, donates one of his lungs, liver and so on. Sad part was that he died at last, too, by getting bite from Jellyfish at his house.

The movie rolled on in every part by sharing the immenseness of humanity. But it was regret that killed Will even after saving life of seven people. Although sooner or later he will definitely get death lack of organs, but he commits suicide at his house, cause was the weight of regret.

Regret of life is an dark spot left by an event which had been possibly occurred. It's a sight of your mind that holds it and replay it everyday on the diode of your subconciousness brain during sleep or disturbed at day, too, causes anxiety, depression and loads of tension. People can't get rid off it, they can't get the way because of ultra sensitivity of our brain.

But once you get the philosophical metaphor and chemical composition of your brain you can switch off this little or heavy disturbance which always runs behind in our daily routine life. It's not complex as you're thinking on. You've to set some kind of mindset that will transform your brain and re-calibrate your thinking and thoughts to get a new way or so called neural connections to continuously move on.

As we know after death of our loved ones, or break apart of relationship or big loss in business throws lot of pressure into our brain that causes depression, anxiety, tension in our life. It's get increased by concentration or cause of problem.

But Once you turn your thoughts in the way of doing regret to feeling guilt. Later it  creates some sort of hope in your life to get things better. No matter it's any crime or break apart from any relationship. Regret is a long term medical disorder that sticks till to the end of your life where Feeling guilt helps to create one shame inside your soul. That shame will help you to be normal or be better just like other people.

That's why courts let murders to plead guilty not to do regret for whole life.

So Don't Regret! Just Feel Guilty. You may ask me like why even Guilty ? Well, sounds bad but you need even one or more cause to be better or to improve yourself or any ultra transformation globally Just like Russian Satellite Sputnik fires the era and battle of space age between two world leaders, Russia and United States.

Same as in business world and in the stage of planning success strategy to rule the world. Leaders and Businessmen People often says '' people who goes though uncomfortable zone, feels pain, stretched theirs muscle and makes flexible their brain gets the way of successful life.''
You need some  kind of cause or we can say the push that sparks inside any kind of shame or revenge to be better than other selves. Revenge means drive within yourself, just mental transformation makes this possible.   

And never mislead your brain and anyone else about metaphor of mistake,
Always remember as Oath CEO Tim Armstrong says, You have to fail toward a goal.'' As long as you're failing, if you know what the goal is, it's OK to fail in that direction.''

'' REGRET kills people but GUILT sparks chance and reborn people.''

So from the next time whenever you do mistake don't wear the hard ton crown of regret, but feel guilt for that and try to recover it by putting enormous efforts as much you can. And never forget to make mistakes but never try repeat it, too.

What did Beckett say ?

'' Ever tried, ever failed, no matter, try again, fail again, fail better. The world is yours, treat everyone kindly and lighten up the night.''

That's it. Thank you, Readers, For your Time and Patience. Your Thoughts, Ideas and Suggestions does matter, Drop it below in the comment box regarding or not to this Blog.  


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