People – Tim Grover | #1 Good to Great to Unstopoable!

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P Cube academy – The Cube which brings the right information and relevant inspiration from every side around the globe by getting wind of the generous people, going right through the mumble of Politics, by being understood of distinguish Philosophy. Our Goal is to get you the language of understanding for things you carry with, the knowledge you get through by your wings and the vast world in which you live.
Today we’re going to talk about people, precisely a man who’ve built up a man favourably who is all-time great, whom we directly don’t know as a great man or legend but as an icon in the history of mankind. The man who struggled very enough to take a giant leap before. He never ever gave up, The man who has been introduced the linkage of continuous failures in life but his cautious and ambitious efforts take him here for the successful today. The man who has been defeated the past by countless efforts in the present and dedicated it to the precious tomorrow.
By Katherine Skiba Contact Reporter  
Source: Chicago Tribune

The man who recently got the greatest revere from Commander in Chief of the United States – The Presidential medal of freedom the most respected, highly honourable as NBA describes him by acclamation the greatest basketball player of all time.” Initially MJ – Basketball and FIBA Hall of fame player, The most passionate athlete the world has ever known The Michael Jordan.
But there is one man behind him who had, has a much more greater dedication for this enormous results which we’ve seen today.
Image : Tim Grover and Micheal Jordan                        Source: Attack Athletics
His name is Tim Grover, an Indian Origin man who has already been internationally renowned by the community. Also over hundreds of hall of famers and champions trained under his super static mental flexible tree. which allows the player to cross their familiar and identified comfort zone, who is been always there to push player beyond expectation. who has been there to make player terrified by throwing them into a situation where only an elite being can be pass out and becomes one of the great like Dwayne wade, Charles Barkely, Kobe Bryant including Micheal Jordan and many more.
As a player or an athlete, there should be physical training as well as mental stability to win a game. He is a man with the greater capabilities to turn your thoughts, dreams and hopes into visual reality to taste your real destiny. He builds up a bridge over pain and pleasure and where he pushes players to walk through it and get a cream instead of setting them in a ” Good Job ” phrase. He constantly believes that there is always a next level game either after a win or loses or even at the ending of your stage. He is a real inspirational architecture who builds up a  phenomenon which gives the player a sweet fruit berries after flowing the sweat at their work. Who owned a training centre named ” Attack Athletics ”
where they serve the training to the Players to prevent and get off themselves from injuries. It’s as much famous as because where Mr President Obama played on election day. He has also written books including well known, Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable, to provide some gears through the story of physical and mental nature to get a optimistic DNA and how to not fall down in a pessimistic way which helps to you to get your own back and how to perform in your passionate way by being an elite player.
Tim Grover, in the early age of his life he worked as a degreaser at the university where he pulled up 400 to 500-pound chemical container from one class to another. His mom did night shift as a nurse and his father took him a bone saw and held him at a work during off-school because they couldn’t afford a babysitter for Tim. Many Ups and Downs Tim continued his life, he completed his bachelor and masters at University of Illinois, Chicago. 
In very young age, He met Micheal Jordan at 25 and he convinced him to work with him.
As Tim says ” Nothing is going to happen without your efforts no matter how much lessons you have”. He always believes and also delivered to his players during sessions that you’ve to imply your experiences or lessons which you’ve already learned from life so you’ve to keep them with you no matter wherever you’re. You’ve got to willing to pay every realisation which you felt whenever you were at a fail point or on a success lane. Early pre-consequences of being afraid that kills your passion inside your soul that thinking you’ve to destroy by your efforts.
As Tim eloquently says ” Your preparation has to be second to none”. He defined people in a 3 subways, CLOSER, COOLER And CLEANER.
Tim is the person who strongly believes that there are very few people who could process the lots of information which available to us and make people understand at a very quick rate. But there are people who can achieve whatever they want in such an accelerating way no matter how bad situation they are facing off, they always being well prepared and knock it down those stones which covered up their milestones. They become the safeguard as well as a powerful warrior at the same time to save their destiny. 
SO there are closers which are players on the list of top 10. who always seems competitive with each other whose always try to beat each other down to win the game, that’s a goal of their career — to reach a top. What relentless means are you’ve to compete with yourself and destroy others, Life is a Game and ” LEGENDS DOESN’T EXHALE ”. And there are coolers which are so cool, positive and confident about their work. When you deliver something to them they rigorously do their work and give you the result as expected. And there’re Cleaners which Tim says ” A Don’t Think Person ”. They always seem well prepared for what they have to do or what they would like to do. They adjust themselves like a river floating over the mountains, they discovered their ways, they walk on their way no matter what we have thrown at them, they stay strong and live last till to the end of their result.
We try so hard in our life to fit in. People who failed at something they never choose it again to do it for the rest of their life. Well, that is necessary for nature of mind, It’s okay to not pick up failure and turn it into your strength and make it a win. Most people do this because they get tired and give up because there are lots of things out there that can keep you happy and reserve your store of happiness. But it’s fade away because of the lack of encouragement, passion and enthusiasm. People always start thinking about comparing themselves as a competitor to the others and start work in a survival mode and when they get failure they think about others and blame own self.
The fact of the matter is and you can’t disagree that we all failed at something. It’s the harmonic ups and downs of everyone’s life but if you don’t get up after fall down how you will start up or get levelled up. It’s up to you how you get mean of it when you fall off. Personality scales up when we get Positive inspiration from the negative situation. Great people often use it why everyone can’t. It’s about perseverance. As Tim says It’s about criticism and feedback and how you take it.
You can’t talk about what happened 5 years ago, what you did 2 years ago. It’s all about how much passionate you’re willing to do for your dreams and turn them into reality which you’re going to do in next couple of years.
So Here is the deal, either figuring out what was happened or what people would think about go on the blind date with your courage and dig out what occurs to you that fills the gap inside your soul. Destiny is not to reach at the top as soon as possible but the goal is work hard, fall down, never give up, look up there, reach there and be there as long as possible till to the rest of life.
Thank you, Readers, for reading this blog. Your thoughts, opinions do matter so leave it in a comment box below.


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